Today is my 30
th day in Africa! I can say without hesitation that the most beautiful and frustrating moments of my life so far have taken place here in Malawi. Last night we spent the evening in a nearby village and slept in villagers’ homes. I have never felt so welcomed in a new place. You know those moments where you look around at your surroundings and just feel grateful to be alive? Last night I experienced one of those moments. After being honored with a feast of nsima, the women and children of the village treated us to the most incredible song circle. When they asked us to sing our own songs, we burst out in renditions of The Lion King!! Then, I caught a glimpse of the sky; I have never seen stars like that before. With my neck tilted towards the stars, songs all around me, I just took in everything. I captured that moment to remember forever.
So happy. I’m missing home, but much more thrilled to be here. Hello, from Africa!

Submitted by: Catherine Valentine, Malawi SS2 Intern.
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