A very special thanks to all of our service interns, field staff and coordinators for another wonderful program. We want to extend a special thanks to Jaren for all he has done for World Camp over the years, and look forward to the day we get to work with him again. We wish you all the best in your new endeavors!
"The volunteers are gone; boxes unpacked, nsima coolers stored away. Our time of azungu chants and give me kwatcha’s, muli bwanji’s and zikomo's, dusty roads and pouring rains, ecstatic kids and hysterical babies, banana songs and condom demos, reflections, evaluations, Ngoni, Mr. Vito, and John Chazimba, has finally, once again, come to an end. The January 2011 World Camp session is over. All I can do now is look back and think.
In my 3 and a half years with World Camp, this program has never ceased, to amaze me, in how quickly in how quickly a group of strangers can become volunteers, and how quickly a group of

volunteers can become teachers, and teachers, become friends. We are together for such a short period of time, but in that time are able to bond so closely; accomplish so much. We laugh with these people; we cry with them. We sing silly songs; dance like idiots for the pure enjoyment of hundreds of delighted children, and I wouldn't want to picture it any other way.
People can be skeptical when I tell them about our program. “What difference can you really make in 5 weeks?” They say. My answer? All the difference. In a month we are able to show a girl she has the power to say no. We can teach a boy that it’s ok to wait, to stay in school and reach for hopes and dreams that he never dare speak about; even dream about. We can convince a teacher to get tested. That using a condom can not only protect yourself, but empower yourself.

And in this short period of time, we can show a young boy or girl, a teacher, a class, a school, a chief, and a community, that they can join together, and rise up to fight a disease ravishing the world, and that together, we each and all, can, make a difference. Personally, I think that this is something well worth 5 weeks of my time. So as I sit alone in this empty house, these are the things I’m left to ponder. This, and the memories I’ve made and friendships I’ll keep . When I go home I can try to explain it to my friends and family. They’ll listen closely; oooo and aaahhh, and tell me how amazing it sounds and how lucky I am. But they'll never really know. Never really understand.

We both know that. They’ll never feel what its like to be here, to meet, and learn, and laugh and play with these kids, and teachers, and friends. No one will every really know…unless they come here and find out for themselves. At least I can take solace in realizing, that this is not really the end. It’s only the beginning."
WC Jan’11 Out.
submitted by: Jaren Folden
Jaren - I know where your coming from - but where are you going? World Camp won't be the same without you to make everyone laugh. It was wonderful working with you in January 2010 - wish you all the best of luck in all your endeavors in the future!!! Sincerely, Kate Faust