Fast-forward to the summer of 2005. I joined WC in Malawi with little knowledge of the country or awareness of the issues. But the WC participants, and the organization as a whole, quickly became my new community. It was within this community that we learned the curriculum and grew, both as individuals and as a team. In turn, this created an incredible environment for young villagers to learn about important issues. It was astounding how this brought them together as a larger community! Though 3-day camps seemed short, I saw we were able to build bonds through common interests. We used our time to listen and play games with kids in order to facilitate these bonds. We increased communication about issues through developing dialogues among the class, rather than merely speaking at our pupils.
Everything about WC was an amazing experience: the educational camps, community presentations, village home-stays, field trips, time spent with local youth at a homeless shelter and reflection conversations with one another. Conditions and opportunities differ significantly in Malawi; they were not at all what I was accustomed to in the U.S. However, my experience with WC allowed me to be a part of a culture and community so different from my own. I learned so much from the children we worked with and their accomplishments. I developed a sense of hope and joy based on things other than material possessions. I found a beauty far beyond health clubs, athletic and educational success, nice cars, big houses and drunken stupors. WC opened me to an awareness of and connection to humanity. Though it may seem dormant at times, my experience planted a seed that continues to grow. It changed the way I see the world, other people and myself. We are not so separate after all.
My experience in Malawi inspired my recent application to the Peace Corps...I’ll let you know what happens...
**Part VII in a series of reflections on how we internalize what we learn abroad into who we are back home. Email submissions to info@worldcampforkids.org or katy@worldcampforkids.org. Articles, thoughts, poems, quotes, pictures, etc. are welcome!*
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