"This morning we got off to an early start. Christopher joined us on an excursion to Lilongwe. To Molly’s delight, Christopher brought a friend…a smelly friend…a loud, flapping friend. That’s right…a living chicken “sample” to persuade restaurant owners that MCBO chickens are plump and healthy. Today, our main priority was finding a home for 230 chickens. We had two successful visits to a hotel and a local restaurant. We await confirmation phone calls tomorrow, but both owners seemed confident that they were interested in buying the whole lot of chicks.

The remainder of our day was filled with a long executive meeting and a fight amongst travel companions over canned tuna. If Darren used silverware, maybe this debacle could have been avoided. We are finally friends again, but Darren is not permitted in arms distance from Molly until the tuna has had 24 hours to remove itself through whatever bodily excretions are necessary."
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