Ok, so Earth Day was actually yesterday, and I hope you all took a moment to appreciate this incredible planet. But as Mozer* so cooly suggests, "the importance of an event or activity is that it happens, not the timing or the quality." Well, World Camp's activity in celebration of the earth will continue ALL summer long, and you get to join us! (Though we'll focus on the quality of it as well.)
Above: Trees for planting initatives at WC schools in India. Photo by: Katy Lackey Below: Indian child at WC workshop with her tree gift Photo by: Katy Lackey

If you're interested helping out, donate here (any amount helps! trees cost about $1 each). Just specify "Tree Planting Initiative" for the donation purpose.
Left: Tree planting initiative with WC camp participants in Ahmedabad, India Photo by: Katy Lackey
* "The western preoccupation with time as an exact, linear unit of measurement with a future dimension is generally foreign to traditional African cultures. This seems to cause no end of anxiety for westerners. In Africa, the importance of an event or activity is that it happens, not the timing or the quality. In fact I think that the essential difference between western and African culture is that Africans are concerned with the form of life and westerners dwell on the content."
-David Mozer in Bicycling in Africa, The Places In Between.
Right: Teachers in Malawi act out the effects of deforestation at a WC school presentation Photo by: Katy Lackey
Below: WC volunteers and school staff with their mock solar oven. Yes, it did heat up the water! Photo by: Jaren Folden
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