Wednesday, February 24, 2010

new Malawi flag?

The country's flag has been a topic of hot debate in conversations and local newspapers lately. The government proposed a change to the Malawian flag. Why all the fuss? Some find it a waste of money/efforts the government should put elsewhere. Others feel the flag is not only the symbol of the nation, it represents the people.

As the Secretary of Information describes, a flag represents the "shared values, beliefs and aspirations of a nation...drives and moves the national population [it's]...a unifying factor of citizens, displays solidarity and patriotism.*" 

For many this means the strength of the past. For others it means future development.

Current flag:
Malawi's independence in 1964 was marked with the adoption of this flag. The rising sun symbolized the dawn of a new era.  Black for the indigenous people or Africans, Red for the blood shed in the struggle for independence, and Green for the land, crops, trees, nature.

Proposed flag:
The government seeks to maintain the cultural heritage and reflect Malawi's history on the flag by keeping the colors and the image of the sun. However, the new flag changes the order of the colors and carries the image of a full white sun. These changes symbolize a new era, one in which Malawi is no longer struggling for independence or becoming a nation, but becoming a new kind of nation, one in terms of a development that has already taken place and is now building upon that prosperity.

John likes the new flag: "Me myself, I am supporting this one. It's good. And I am supporting the Bingu administration. 90% of what he is doing is good, it is good. "

Ngoni likes both: "Yeah, I like the old one. The new one is a good flag. Sure."

What's your vote?

*Source: Jeffrey Kanyinji quoted in Nyasa Times and local newspapers

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