Sunday, February 15, 2009

Malawi January 2009

The Malawi January 2009 session came to a close last week with a final evaluation at Lake Malawi. Katy and I are here for another six days to tie up some loose ends and setup new schools for the summer sessions. We're also working on developing a four-week program designed for older professionals (aged 30+) that will take place in August of 2009. We're hoping to build on the sustainability of our pre-existing programs by facilitating the development of extra-curricular HIV/AIDS clubs at primary schools where we have worked in the past. We're also hoping to expand our programming into secondary schools by assisting, where we can, overstretched faculty. We should have the specifics in the next couple of weeks, so keep checking our website for updates. If you're interested in volunteering contact us at In the meantime, here are a few highlights from the January session:

-10 volunteers
-Taught at 6 full primary schools
-Worked with 41 teachers
-Taught nearly 1000 children
-Served approximately 3800 meals
-Planted nearly 200 trees
-Gifted nearly 1000 trees
-Conducted a project with nearly 50 vulnerable street children

Also, be sure to check out a video from the January session compliments of Chris Chung and Jay Brollier. You can watch it on youtube here:

Thanks to everyone for their hard work this January! Keep checking back for updates on Malawi and World Camp.

-Scott Coriell